The tenth edition of the National Award for Innovative Small and Medium Enterprises
The Ministry of Industry announces the launch of the tenth edition of the National Competition for the Innovative Small and Medium Enterprise Award for the year 2021, where the files of candidates wishing to participate will be received from September 19, 2021 to October 28, 2021.
By organizing this competition, which will be held this year under the slogan “Innovation is a path towards sustainable development”, the sector aims to support innovation and the use of research and development in this segment of institutions in order to improve and stimulate their competitiveness, by rewarding and encouraging them. It concerns small and medium-sized enterprises active in the industrial field and industry-related services that have achieved innovations in their products, production methods and methods of marketing.
The competition targets three segments of innovative small and medium enterprises by creating three financial prizes, two of which are directed to enterprises that have more than three years of existence and are active in sectors that contribute to sustainable economic development and the green economy, while the third award is allocated to newly established small and medium enterprises that contribute in sustainable economic development. Prizes will be distributed to the winners, who will also receive medals and certificates of merit, in the month of December after reviewing the files of all the institutions participating in this competition.
Through these initiatives, the public authorities aim to improve the environment for small and medium-sized enterprises and to strengthen the productive fabric. You can find detailed information about this competition, conditions for participation and the nomination form in the following link: https://bit.ly/2Xxhmwc